Jordy Streng

Investment Director

About Jordy Streng

Jordy has been working at MKB Fonds since 2018 and serves as an Investment Director as part of the investment team. At MKB Fonds, Jordy shares responsibility for investments and also provides support for the numerous buy-and-build processes implemented by MKB Fonds at its portfolio companies. Jordy began his career at the investment branch of ABN AMRO and later transitioned to ING Corporate Investments, where he worked on transactions and portfolio management, gaining extensive experience in creating and evaluating financial models, analyses, and investment proposals."
“What I find enjoyable and challenging about my role as Investment Director is seeking and creating win-win situations for the company, the entrepreneur, and the investor. With MKB Fonds, we can add value by combining our expertise with that of the management team and the entrepreneur to successfully transition the company to the next phase."