MKB Fonds

Brings together the worlds of investors and
SME entrepreneurs.

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About MKB Fonds

MKB Fonds (‘SME Fund’ in English), stands as a top-tier, independent Dutch private equity firm. Since its inception in 2011, MKB Fonds has been actively engaged in investing in robust and mature Dutch SMEs operating within the wholesale and business services sectors. Typically, these companies are led by the founder(s) or their family.

Attracted capital





Years active

As of 1 July 2024

Strategic and long-term investor…

In Dutch SME (family) businesses

Since its inception, MKB Fonds has successfully completed over 100 transactions with Dutch SME (family) businesses. With a clear focus on the Dutch market, MKB Fonds is now also expanding its investment focus to the Belgian market.

With a proven market position

MKB Fonds is the specialist in investing in:

  1. Robust and mature Dutch SME companies;
  2. Companies operating as wholesalers or business service providers;
  3. Companies led by the founder(s) or their family; and
  4. Companies where business succession will be realised in the medium term.
Focused on business succession (pre-exit)

MKB Fonds focuses on Dutch companies in the SME segment where (phased) business succession will take place in the medium term, better known as ‘pre-exits.’ Over the past 13 years, together with dozens of entrepreneurs, MKB Fonds has achieved numerous successful pre-exits.

Without a fixed investment term

MKB Fonds employs a fund structure without a fixed investment term, allowing for a long-term value creation strategy for its portfolio companies. This enables MKB Fonds to make sustainable choices, as confirmed by its solid track record.

With a clear investment focus…

Robust and stably profitable

The SME company has been active in its current market for at least five years, has been profitable for several years, and has a solid continuity perspective. MKB Fonds does not invest in start-ups.


Since its inception, MKB Fonds has been investing in wholesalers, becoming the leading expert in the Dutch M&A sphere when it comes to investing in wholesalers. MKB Fonds does not invest in companies active in real estate, hospitality, agriculture, or construction.

Business services

Another market in which MKB Fonds invests includes business service providers, such as ICT enterprises. A critical investment criterium for MKB Fonds when investing in business service providers is that the company in question has a recurring revenue stream stemming from its business model.

Enterprise value ranging from € 3 mln. to € 15 mln.

The enterprise value of the companies in which MKB Fonds invests typically ranges from € 3 million to € 15 million, with the sweet spot being around € 7.5 million. However, larger investment opportunities are also feasible through co-investments.

For companies that we actively support…

Enhancing the professionalisation of the company

In collaboration with the entrepreneurs, MKB Fonds aims to bolster the professionalisation of the company, frequently leading to enhancements in finance, reporting, and assistance with the recruitment of key personnel. This expertise has been acquired by MKB Fonds through its involvement in over 100 completed transactions.

Extensive network

MKB Fonds boasts a network of approximately 900 investors, primarily comprising accomplished (former) entrepreneurs and other affluent individuals. Their extensive network is consistently leveraged to benefit MKB Fonds’ portfolio companies, unlocking numerous advantages that are often beyond reach for others.

Buy-and-build strategy

An essential growth driver that MKB Fonds facilitates is strategic acquisitions of similar or complementary companies, commonly known as a ‘buy-and-build strategy.’ This approach often leads to significant synergy and scale advantages, consequently enhancing the profitability and overall value of the company.


MKB Fonds acts as a trusted sounding board for the entrepreneurs of its portfolio companies. As a result, the MKB Fonds team maintains close and continuous contact with both the entrepreneurs and their businesses across all its participations.

With a solid track record

Various buy-and-build platforms built
Since its inception, MKB Fonds has established several successful buy-and-build platforms. Presently, notable portfolio companies include Futureproof Group en P&D Group.
Successful exits with renowned parties

MKB Fonds has also accomplished several successful exits with reputable parties. Examples include:

  1. The sale of Groveko to the listed multinational Bunzl plc (also covered in this article in the Dutch Financial Times).
  2. The sale of Mosa Glas to ING Corporate Investments (also covered in this article in the Dutch Financial Times).
  3. The sale of PePe Parts to Bencis Capital Partners (also covered in this article in the Dutch Financial Times).
Attention to individuals, the environment, and society.

MKB Fonds places great importance on ESG factors. Consequently, these factors are integral considerations throughout the investment process for the companies in which MKB Fonds invests.

'Investment Company of the Year’ for the Year 2023

During the Merger & Acquisition Year Congress 2023, organised by r Brookz – platform voor bedrijfsovername and MKB Fonds had the honour of receiving the prestigious award for ‘Investment Company of the Year’ for the year 2023.

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More about MKB Fonds

Portfolio companies

As of july 1st, 2024, MKB Fonds oversees 17 portfolio companies across its funds. These investments are exclusively focused on wholesalers and business service providers, with a proactive buy-and-build strategy being pursued for the majority of these companies.

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